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  • Jewellery Photo Studio

The biggest mistakes that people make when trying to photograph jewellery themselves

When it comes to stocking and selling jewellery online, the way that you present it on your ecommerce site is going to play a huge part in whether or not people buy what you have on offer. The trouble with photography, is that whilst it is okay to take your own shots of pets, children and even some landscape, when you are to create a professional image in order to sell products, you need to be careful.

Of course, you can simply try and try again to get the very best photo, but let’s face it, who has time for that?

Why not improve the odds of it all working out for you by taking a look at the biggest mistakes that people make when you are trying to photograph jewellery yourself?

Taking a photo with smudgy products

Of course, you need to handle your jewellery in order to get it in the right place for a photograph. However, when you want to capture an image in close up detail, the last thing you are going to want is for the main detail to be of your fingerprints on the jewellery. The simplest way to do this is to wear cotton gloves which will save you time wiping every piece down and ensure that your jewellery looks perfect too.

Not being consistent

When you create a brand, you will soon realise that being consistent is key. The same is true for product photography. If a photo looks different or out of place, then your customer will notice this and they could wonder why this is. You need to try and record every setting that you use, including the background, as this will help you to have a uniformed approach to your products.

Having a busy background

So many people think that having a white background on your photos means that you have a boring background, but this really isn’t true. If you have a busy background with lots of detail and colour, then you may find that you take away from the beauty of the product. Having a stark, white background, can actually make sure that your product stands out.

Light reflecting when you take a picture

Reflecting light in an image may not seem like the end of the world, but when you are trying to sell a product, having a bounce back on the light can make it seem as if there is a flaw or mark on it. This is particularly true when it comes to photographing jewellery, and unfortunately, the nature of the product makes it even more likely to happen.

Of course, you can make things a whole lot easier for yourself by asking a professional to take the shots for you. Not only do they know how to take the perfect shot, but they will know how to show your products in the best light possible.

Using their services should be seen as an investment, after all, whilst it may have a cost, in the long term the sales of your products will equal this out.

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